Against the Odds: UW Level Up

Описание к видео Against the Odds: UW Level Up

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Welcome to episode 133 of Against the Odds. Last week, we tried something different for the Against the Odds poll in voting for mechanics instead of individual cards, and while it was a close vote, in the end it was Level Up pulling away for the victory. As such, this week we are heading to Modern for a deck that looks like a really good Rise of the Eldrazi draft deck: UW Level Up! The deck is basically UW Aggro, but with a ton of level up creatures - some aggressive for beating down, others more utility focused - along with ways to cheat level counters on our creatures faster and Time of Heroes a our big finish. Can the level up mechanic form a competitive deck in Modern? Let's get to the video and find out, then we'll talk more about the deck.

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