"The day of treatment: the special story of the Mohammad family to cure the cobra's toothache!"

Описание к видео "The day of treatment: the special story of the Mohammad family to cure the cobra's toothache!"

Family means shelter, family means people who always care for each other in any situation. In today's video, we are going to show you a kind and heartwarming story of Muhammad's family.

If you remember, in some previous videos we said that Cobra, one of the members of this family, suffers from toothache. When Mohammad became aware of this issue, he decided with concern and love to introduce Kabri to the best dentist to cure his pain.

Imagine: one beautiful morning, this kind family wakes up and goes to the dentist with hope and energy. The dentist carefully examines the cobra's teeth and tells him how many damaged teeth you have that need to be repaired, otherwise more teeth may be damaged.

In the following, we find out that one of Mohammad's teeth is damaged and is being repaired by a dentist with the most professional method. After the dental work is finished, everyone returns home with a smile and satisfaction.

And all these events happen while Khadijah, the mother of the family, runs the house with love and attention. Khadijah is a loyal and caring wife for Muhammad and a wonderful mother for her children. This video is a complete display of love and empathy in an Iranian family.

#loving_family #endless_love #tooth_care #permanent_support #happy_life #family_love #warm_moments #model_mother


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