Journey of Flavor Creation 咖啡口味的創作旅程

Описание к видео Journey of Flavor Creation 咖啡口味的創作旅程

Cola and Queenice, baristas from HKUSU store and Metro City store, are the creators of our new flavor - CoLychee Macchiato and Lavender Ristretto Macchiato. Their creations were chosen among over 40 submissions in 2018 Starbucks Coffee Innovation Competition. The new flavor will be available at all Hong Kong and Macau Starbucks stores starting from 12 September.

Their journeys of creating these two inventive combinations are now revealed.

Cola 與 Queenice 是分別來自香港大學學生會及新都城分店的咖啡師。今年初,她們參與了2018星巴克創意咖啡大賽,她們的作品荔枝椰果咖啡及薰衣草意式特濃鮮奶咖啡由超過40個參與作品中脫穎而出,這兩款新口味將於9月12日起全線香港及澳門星巴克推出。

現在,讓我們跟著 Cola 與 Queenice 從頭細味她們的創作旅程。


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