Subtle Gait Abnormalities and Sitter's Disease as the Origin of Osteoarthritis:

Описание к видео Subtle Gait Abnormalities and Sitter's Disease as the Origin of Osteoarthritis:

Subtle Gait Abnormalities, often caused by Sitter's Disease, we argue is the primarily cause of lower extremity and spinal osteoarthritis. We combine data from anthropology, archeology, kinesiology, animal studies, and human studies. A mechanistic model is proposed, using a function movement approach, where OA is caused by a combination of 1. dynamic kinetic chain abnormalities and 2. failure to store ground force energy as potential energy to be used in the second half of the cycle (propulsion). #osteoarthritis#gait#prevention#kineticchain,#back#knee,,#hip,#Harvard,#MIT,#kinetic,#injury,#chain#anthropology#primates#evolution#animal#efficient#longdistance#Neanderthal#OA#BrighamandWomen#Sittersdisease#sedentary#Brezinski


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