10 Signs Your Cat Loves You More Than Anything

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10 Signs Your Cat Loves You More Than Anything.

1. Slow Blinks:
One of the most common ways that cats show affection is by blinking slowly while looking at you. This is like a cat’s way of saying “I love you” or “I trust you”. You can also tell your cat that you love them too by blinking slowly back at them.

2. Headbutting:
When your cat loves you, they want to have you only for themselves, One way they mark you as theirs is by spreading some of their scent on you through headbutting. they have scent glands on their face and head that produce a unique smell for each cat. By headbutting you, your cat is telling other felines that you are their human.

3. Following you around:
If your cat follows you around the house and sits next to you wherever you are, they are telling you that you are their best companion and that they feel safe and enjoy spending time with you.

4. Purring:
If you have a cat, you certainly know this unique sound that cats make when they are happy. They make this sound as an expression of love and relaxation.

5. Grooming you:
Your cat thinks of you as part of their family and loves to protect you and take care of you. That’s why they sometimes lick your hand, ear, or hair. They do this to show you affection and keep you clean, just like they would do with their kittens.

6. Showing their belly:
Your cat’s belly is one of its most sensitive and vulnerable areas. If your cat rolls over and shows you its belly, it means that it feels very safe and comfortable with you. This is a great sign of your cat’s love and affection for you.

7. Raising their tail:
The position of a cat’s tail can convey different emotions. For example, a puffed-up tail means the cat is scared or angry. A low-hanging tail means the cat is anxious. A high-raised tail means the cat is happy and excited. When your cat raises their tail while walking next to you or being around you, this is yet another sign of their love and affection for you.

8. Kneading:
Kittens knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production. This behavior is associated with feelings of happiness, warmth and security that the mother provides for her kittens. When your cat kneads or “makes biscuits” on you, it means they love you and feel secure and comfortable with you.

9. Soft Meows:
One of the most distinctive sounds that cats make is this calm meow mixed with a little bit of purring. That gentle sound is another way your cat is telling you that they love you.

10. Sleeping with you:
Cats don’t like to be vulnerable when they sleep. That’s why they choose their sleeping spots very carefully. When your cat chooses to sleep next to you, it means that they feel safe and trust you completely. Also, cats like to sleep in a warm place and enjoy your body heat. So the next time your cat comes to sleep with you, Know that this is a sign of their trust and love for you.


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