CPF Coaching: YouAttest Product of the Week for MSPs

Описание к видео CPF Coaching: YouAttest Product of the Week for MSPs

Lots of products out there for MSPs to review and deploy - that’s why the market appreciates those that review the products for the consultants and managed service providers.

This is exactly what Christophe Foulon and CPF Coaching did.

They reviewed the products in the identity attestation and identity governance category - specifically w/ an eye to how MSPs would utilize the offering.

The offering needed to be:
Easily deployed
And no-code

The solution that met these criteria was YouAttest.

#AuditTuesday will talk to Christophe Foulon and ask him about his work and why he recommended YouAttest. We will also have Bill Lauterbach to discuss how the MSP and consulting practice works and how they can make money with YouAttest.


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