CryCiz VanHellsing - A Funk Rockumentary

Описание к видео CryCiz VanHellsing - A Funk Rockumentary

A very unique project, original voiceless songs written with one instrument, A actual sitting performance via internet, but this funk&Rock jamming sessions should hold you over until the new catalog of albums drop, even though i have flooded my channel with timeless apocalyptic poetry to last til Kingdom come, actually ahead of the times so tap in on some the albums like "BEAR WITNESS", "PERILOUS TIMES", "THE GATHERING" , "WOE TO YOU" ETC! search under the names "BrothaShipConnection" , "CryCiz VanHellsing" , "CruCifixxCryCiz" , and "Dr.Funk&Rhyme" and you good.


1. Bending Chordz (intro)
2. Nephilim & Skinwalkerz
3. When Blessings & Curses trade places
4. The 6th & 7th Seal
5. They feed people to giants
6. Reparations in Blood
7. They came through portals
8. The road to perdition
9. A Capricorns Revenge
- . Salvation for the Saints (interlude)
10. The return of Jacob
11. The end of esau
12. And forever they ruled the nations
- . Latenite practice/songwriting
13. 144,000 (The Wrath Of Christ)
- . Intermission/Quick Jam session
14. Capricorn Chordz
15. Censor This !
16. They don't Scare Me (Rock Version)
17. Farewell to Babylon (riff snippet)
18. Fear the Lord (Outro)

All compositions written and performed by CryCiz VanHellsing for Cavalistic Music

#crycizvanhellsing #guitar #rock #funk #faith #new


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