Aerial Manipulation with an Omnidirectional Flying Platform

Описание к видео Aerial Manipulation with an Omnidirectional Flying Platform

This video showcases our current research to address the challenges of aerial manipulation with omnidirectional flying robots at ETH Zurich's Autonomous systems lab. This topic connects several different topics of active research at our institute, including design and control of omnidirectional aerial manipulators, planning frameworks, and grasp detection.

For further details on the content of this video, links to the related research papers are listed below.

---- Paper References ----
[1] Allenspach, M., Bodie, K., Brunner, M., Rinsoz, L., Taylor, Z., Kamel, M., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2020. "Design and optimal control of a tiltrotor micro-aerial vehicle for efficient omnidirectional flight.", The International Journal of Robotics Research, 39(10-11), pp.1305-1325.

[2] Zhang, W., Brunner, M., Ott, L., Kamel, M., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2020. "Learning dynamics for improving control of overactuated flying systems.", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(4), pp.5283-5290.

[3] Zhang, W., Ott, L., Tognon, M., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2021. "Active Model Learning using Informative Trajectories for Improved Closed-Loop Control on Real Robots." arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.08100.

[4] Bodie, K., Brunner, M., Pantic, M., Walser, S., Pfändler, P., Angst, U., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2019. "An omnidirectional aerial manipulation platform for contact-based inspection.", Robotics: Science and System XV, 15.

[5] Bodie, K., Tognon, M. and Siegwart, R. "Dynamic End Effector Tracking with an Omnidirectional Parallel Aerial Manipulator." (under review, link to follow)

[6] Breyer, M., Chung, J.J., Ott, L., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2021. "Volumetric Grasping Network: Real-time 6 DOF Grasp Detection in Clutter.", arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01132.

[7] Pantic, M., Ott, L., Cadena, C., Siegwart, R. and Nieto, J., 2021. "Mesh Manifold based Riemannian Motion Planning for Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicles.", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3), pp.4790-4797.

[8] Allenspach, M., Lawrance, N. , Tognon, M. and Siegwart, R. "6 DOF Teleoperation of an Omnidirectional Aerial Vehicle." (under review, link to follow)


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