I know who I am

Описание к видео I know who I am

it's devastating when you know exactly who you are, and with the small chances of voice, you've done everything you can to try to be able to express it, whether it be as a artist, a person-pretty much anything other than a corporate invisible cog. never one day of my life have I not been completely alone in everything that I've ever done, screaming into literal absolute nothingness and the suffering I experienced daily is like nothing else. I'm forced to do things I don't want to do just because I have no connection with anyone or ever have. no one sees me as human, and I don't feel human. I don't sleep, I can't thank, and social media is a flimsy way of being able to execute how devastating that actually is- but there's no other voice for us, small and as helpless as it might be.


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