Multi-Monitor video playback setup (1/2)

Описание к видео Multi-Monitor video playback setup (1/2)

Most computers today have more than one monitor connector, allowing you to connect two or more monitors. With today's TV sets (LCD , Plasma and other tech) basically being glorified monitors, it can be useful to use your computer to watch movies, videos and even listen to audio with a nice interface.

In part one of the multi-monitor configuration tutorial video, I will show you how to setup your computer's monitor configuration to make it easy to continue working on your primary monitor while using your second monitor to watch videos without having it disrupt your work (useful when there's kids to entertain).

In part two, I'll show you how to setup Zoom Player to automatically switch to your secondary monitor (or TV set) when playing videos. A process that doesn't require you to have direct line of sight to the secondary monitor (which can be a major pain to deal with without Zoom Player).


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