Outhentic - Razoral Dedo / Аутентик - Разорал Дедо - Live @ Studio 5

Описание к видео Outhentic - Razoral Dedo / Аутентик - Разорал Дедо - Live @ Studio 5

A live video, captured, during our latest show @ Studio 5 - Sofia, Bulgaria. The song is called Razoral Dedo and it will be included in our new album, which is going to be recorded this April.

Zhivko Vasilev - Kaval, Piano, Keys
Rayna Vasileva - Vocal, Key, Percussion
Borislav Iliev - Guitar
Stoil Ivanov (Stiu) - Drums

Ethno-Jazz Band Outhentic was formed in 2012. It was founded by Zhivko Vasilev (kaval, piano) and Rayna Vasileva (vocal, percussions). Outhentic is a combination of the words: “out” and “authentic”, which is in the meaning of “out of the authentic” and it is a reference to their individual style.
In 2016, the band released their first self-penned album, in which guest performers from all over the world are participating. The album is titled YesToday.
In the process of establishing their style, the band has had the opportunity to collaborate with extraordinary world-famous musicians and bands such as: the Grammy-nominated bassist - Juan Garcia-Herreros, Stoyan Yankoulov, Ian Stevenson, Suchet Malhotra, Banda Del Padre, etc. In the band biography, there are performances on various Bulgarian and international stages: Performance in the twelfth edition of the European Museum Night 2016 (Sliven, Bulgaria), Mini Jazz Fest 2017 (Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria), Glastonbury Festival 2017 (England), Jazz Forum Stara Zagora 2018 etc.
At the beginning of 2018, the members of Outhentic Band – Zhivko and Rayna established an independent organization for the public benefit called Outhentic Foundation. The foundation aims to preserve, distribute and promote the Bulgarian folklore and traditions in Bulgaria and beyond.

EN: Zhivko Vasilev is one of the most popular Bulgarian kaval players. He is well known for his experiments with the kaval and the constant seeking for unexplored paths in music. Thanks to his experimental spirit he is constantly driven to combine traditional kaval sound with different western styles such as jazz, funk, latin, latin jazz, pop, electronic music and many more. The result of this incredible symbiosis is an exotic and unique style that he constantly improves.

He hails from the Southern city of Smolyan, Bulgaria in the heart of the Rhodopi mountains. He inherited his love of music from his father and began his early training on the kaval at the NUI Dobri Hristov music school in Varna, Bulgaria. He recently graduated in kaval performance in the St. Clement Ohridski Sofia University. He has performed all around the world at many prestigious stages and festivals. He has collaborated with many great musicians among them Max Moya, Xuxa Levi, Juan Garcia Herreros, Roberto Quintero, Christiane Karam, Angel Zaberski, Stoyan Yankoulov, Teddy Katzarova, Silvia Katzarova, Kalin Veliov and Hector Martignon. He is also the leader of his own project, the Zhivko Vasilev Trio – Outhentic, which blends Bulgarian folkore with western contemporary flavors.


BG: Живко Василев е сред най-популярните кавалджии в България. Той е добре познат на публиката както в България, така и в Европа с постоянните си експерименти и търсенето на нови, неизследвани пътища в музиката. Благодарение на експериментаторския си дух, той започва да комбинира традиционния звук на кавала с различни популярни стилове като джаз, фънк, латин-джаз, поп, електронна музика и др. от което се получава непозната досега симбиоза и игра на стилове. Това води до оформянето на уникалния стил, с който асоциираме Живко Василев.

Младият музикант е роден в град Смолян, в сърцето на Родопите. Той е наследил любовта си към музиката от своя баща и е започнал обучението си по кавал в НУИ “Добри Христов” във гр. Варна, България. Висшето си образование завършва в Софийския университет “Св. Климент Охридски” със специалност кавал.

Участва в многобройни концерти по целия свят, работи с много световни музиканти като Max Moya, Xuxa Levi, Juan Garcia Herreros, Roberto Quintero, Hector Martignon и др. От 2010 г. е част от състава на Banda DelPadre. Освен това, той води свой собствен музикален проект, OUTHENTIC, който смесва българския фолклор с модерни елементи. Работи и с едни от най-известните български музиканти като Калин Вельов, Нина Николина, Стоян Янкулов, Ангел Заберски, Мишо Йосифов, Велислав Стоянов, Теди Кацарова, Силвия Кацарова, Поли Генова и много други.

Носител е на множество международни награди и е участвал в някои от най-престижните музикални форуми и фестивали в света.


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