Becker Brown Bag: Communism and The Chicago School with Chicago Booth's Yueran Ma

Описание к видео Becker Brown Bag: Communism and The Chicago School with Chicago Booth's Yueran Ma

Yueran Ma, Associate Professor of Finance and Kathryn and Grant Swick Faculty Scholar at Chicago Booth, explored connections between communism and The Chicago School of Economics, including their shared interest in how technology shapes the way production is organized. Through this presentation, she explained the overlaps between these two traditions along the paths of their development, the interactions between them that gave rise to influential concepts in modern economics, and open questions in today’s world that connect to these dialogues.

BFI’s Becker Brown Bag series invites prominent speakers to engage UChicago undergraduate and graduate students in discussions on economics. The talks highlight the practical use of economics for answering real-world questions pertinent to businesses and policy makers.

For more on the event, visit:


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