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❤️Sri Amma Bhagavan Teachings❤️
Interview With Sri Bhagavan
Avatar's Life, Establishment Of Dharma, The Phenomenon
Video - • Interview With Sri Bhagavan - Avatar'...
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Seeker: Bhagavan, Most of the people here who know you, and Amma, revere you as an Avatar. Could you explain, for someone who has not heard that word, what is an avatar? Thank you Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan:
The word Avatar need not necessarily be used for spiritual people. It could be used for anybody who has got some specific work to do on the planet. Like we have a man called Ramanujan who is called a mathematics Avatar. Now this gentleman whenever a question was posed to him, he would pass on the question to what we call the Antaryamin or the Indweller. And the answer would come from there and he lived for a very short time and he gave a lot of breakthroughs in mathematics. So similarly, if you give some breakthroughs in music, we would call you a music Avatar. And the same thing happens to science or to dance or anything. So anybody with a specific purpose who has come down for a specific purpose, we call him an Avatar. So when I began this work, people began to say. He is putting us in altered states of consciousness, and he is an Avatar who has come for that. So it is people who call me an Avatar.
Seeker: Bhagavan, when did you first know that you were an avatar? Were you born realizing right away, or did you come to the recognition that you were somehow different from other people later on?
Sri Bhagavan:
For me this thing has continued from a childhood. So my mother who is from a village, she was a very innocent women. In the Indian tradition, they believe that it is possible to invite God to come in as your child. So she was thirteen years old when she got married. So she used to go to a temple and worship and saying, "You must be born to me as my child". And she got this Antaryamin or Indweller of Lord Krishna, and he came as a baby into her. And she was feeling that he is the one who is going to be born to her and when she gave birth, the Antaryamin disappeared for her. And she thought now that the child is born and the Antaryamin has disappeared. So that was her feelings when I was in the womb and maybe that influence me, I do not know. But from the days I could remember, I could feel that, people around were not experiencing what I was experiencing. So I was wondering how am I to give it to them, then I realized it has to be actually transferred to them. So this work began ever since I was a child, but I could really do it only sometime on 1989.
Seeker: Bhagavan, You said that you realized other people were experiencing something different than you were experiencing. How would you describe the difference?
Sri Bhagavan:
I was watching the way they were behaving and they were responding, so I was wondering why is it they are behaving like this. And now I have this ability to experience what other people are experiencing, so I decided to experience what they are experiencing. Then I found that they are experience the world very differently from the way I was experiencing. So it is that I decided: No, I have to make them experience that I am experiencing. And thus began this work.
Seeker: Bhagavan, What is the way that you experience the world?
Sri Bhagavan:
When I experience the world, when I listen to some sound, I find that I'm not interpreting it. When I look at something, again there is no interpretation going on, and there is nobody who is hearing, or nobody who is seeing. There is nobody there that is just the experience of the seeing, the hearing, the thinking. While I found in the case of the others, they had this feeling that somebody was there doing these things. So then I decided, No, something has to be done here, they should exactly experience the way I was experiencing. Because when I was experiencing, I was getting joy while I found they are getting no joy at all. So I decided that the idea of somebody being there has to go. That is how it all began.
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❤️Thank you Sri Amma Bhagavan❤️
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