TeacherMade 101 - How to Create Digital Activities Step-by-Step

Описание к видео TeacherMade 101 - How to Create Digital Activities Step-by-Step

TeacherMade 101 covers how to transform PDFs into interactivities for your students and set up autograding. Learn all the different tools in the Editor and how to use them, step-by-step. This session is hosted by Jen Chorma., a 30+ year veteran of the classroom and has received rave reviews from TeacherMaders who've attended.

TeacherMade is the most widely used app by Teachers in K12 classrooms to transform their favorite PDFs into digital activities that are delivered online. Transform your practice worksheets, quizzes, bell ringers, exit tickets, homework assignments and more into interactive materials your students will love. Learn more at https://teachermade.com


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