Echoes of the Future: Bashar, the Esasani Civilization, and the Universe's Hidden Mechanics

Описание к видео Echoes of the Future: Bashar, the Esasani Civilization, and the Universe's Hidden Mechanics

In an engaging episode of "Think Tank," host Robert delves into the mysteries of the Esasani civilization with guest Darryl Anka, who channels Bashar. Bashar, a physical extraterrestrial and a friend from the future has communicated through Darryl for over 37 years, providing a wealth of information on the universe's mechanics and the individual's power to shape reality. This knowledge has empowered thousands to transform their lives by manifesting their desired realities.

The conversation reveals how the Esasani view humans as their forebears, having utilized human genetics to surmount their reproductive challenges. Bashar shares this knowledge as a token of gratitude, aiming to steer humanity away from potential pitfalls that could jeopardize our civilization.

Bashar and the Sasani are characterized as quasi-physical entities with a revolutionary perspective on time. They advocate for a multidimensional consciousness that transcends conventional time travel theories and favors interactions across parallel realities.

Additionally, the dialogue considers physical reality from a spiritual lens, depicting it as a realm designed for change, discovery, and evolution against a backdrop of a constant existential framework. This outlook showcases Sasani's spirituality as meaningful and actionable, harmonizing the physical and spiritual realms in their universe exploration.


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