Playstation 5 & Xbox TWO in 2019?! | When Will Fortnite BURNOUT?

Описание к видео Playstation 5 & Xbox TWO in 2019?! | When Will Fortnite BURNOUT?

Two topics into ONE video commentary? That can't be real!
Well it is folks and it is a way for me to tease the first upcoming episode of the GameBites podcast coming this friday, so make sure to leave your thoughts and requests in the comments about what topics me and Meaty should talk about.

In this video I wanna talk about the rumours spreading around that the Playstation 5 and Xbox Two(?) will be announced during E3 2019, if not earlier.

The second topic is about Fortnite players (big and small ones) are also talking about being burned out like any other trending games, will Fortnite burnout come very soon or will it last a while before falling down the rabbit hole?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.



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