【増加の一途 -- サンフランシスコ・ホームレス】市内に増え続けるホームレス達の実態を探る。その原因と市の対応は?【Homelessness on the rise in San Francisco】

Описание к видео 【増加の一途 -- サンフランシスコ・ホームレス】市内に増え続けるホームレス達の実態を探る。その原因と市の対応は?【Homelessness on the rise in San Francisco】

近年、残念なことにホームレスが市内のあちこちで増えている。目を覆いたくなるような状況が市のあちこちに! 市民が危害を受けることは少ないにしても、昔の美しいサンフランシスコに戻れる日は来るのだろうか? 時には被写体である彼らから罵声を浴びせられながら、ハイウェイの下、ウィロー通り、スーパーマーケットの入口付近、そして禁断のテンダーロインでの撮影をなんとか敢行した。

For English-speaking viewers:

0:00 – 1:39 One homeless person used to live right here underneath my building. Well, I see another one there today!
1:40: - 2:54 I am showing a few encampments of the homeless people close to where I live in San Francisco.
2:55 – 6:04 There are 580,000 homeless people in US, out of which 170,000 are in California. I used to assume that most everyone became homeless due to usage of illegal drugs, but apparently some did go homeless because of such high rent in SF. (One-bedroom apartment costs $3,000/month). Illegal drugs do seem to be the cause of homelessness a lot of times, too. One out of 4 has experienced being hospitalized in a mental hospital. The number of SF homeless people is about 7,500 now. They are found near Civic Center, underneath highways, etc. Those who are not terribly mentally ill act as beggars in front of supermarkets, etc.
6:05 – 11:17 Homelessness underneath a highway, near Market and Van Ness, near Van Ness and Geary, in front of store and a supermarket, and on notorious Willow street.
11:18 – 13:20 The homeless population increased by 11% in the past year. Surprisingly about half of homeless people turn down the offer for shelters, maybe because they could not do drugs once they accept the offer to go into a shelter?
13:21 – 15:27 Homelessness in notorious Tenderloin district and also near Van Ness and Market. Homelessness is on the rise everywhere in San Francisco. One homeless got on board the bus that I was on. When I got home, I looked to see if the homeless person beneath my building from the beginning of the video. He is gone.
15:28 – End The City had been sued about removing encampments from public areas but a new law has passed allowing the City to enforce the removal of them if they are found to have refused the offer for shelters, making it easier to clean the streets. However, after cleaning one street, the homeless who used to live there will have to move somewhere else. Homeless people sometimes use buses to freely move from one location to another.
Please do not assume that the whole city is like what is shown here. This video focuses on homelessness but overall, San Francisco is still a beautiful, charming place. You just must know where to avoid being in San Francisco.


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