Rhodesian Special Police Units Training | Formed To Combat Nationalist Guerrillas | Oct. 1976

Описание к видео Rhodesian Special Police Units Training | Formed To Combat Nationalist Guerrillas | Oct. 1976

October 1976.

Footage of a Rhodesian SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) in training during the war with Black African Nationalist guerrillas.

Reuters Text:

One unit is based in Salisbury, where a 30-man squad is undergoing intensive training in some unconventional methods for dealing with guerrillas. The force is based on the ida of the SWAT squads -- special weapons and tactics units formed by many police forces throughout the world to meet the threat of terrorism and guerrilla warfare. The force is primarily for use in an urban environment -- reflecting the concern of the security forces that the guerrillas may try and stage a spectacular incident in a heavily populated area.

In particular, the Rhodesian police say, they fear an attempt to take hostages as hijack or siege situations. So far the force hasn't been called upon to fight. However, it's already been called out over 60 times, mainly to the black African townships around Salisbury, and twice after two recent bomb explosions in the city.

The raids followed information given to police, and as a result several guerrilla suspects have been arrested. The second unit in the force is based in Bulawayo, Rhodesia's only other city. All anti-guerrilla activities. The only specialists are the snipers. The decision to form the special anti-guerrilla units was taken some time before the current Anglo-American peace moves got underway. But the authorities say they have no intention of disbanding them.

Source: Reuters News Archive.


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