"Gita Chapter 09 - Day 06 / 07" Talk in English by Swami Aparajitananda, Chinmaya Mission Mangaluru.

Описание к видео "Gita Chapter 09 - Day 06 / 07" Talk in English by Swami Aparajitananda, Chinmaya Mission Mangaluru.

Hari Om!

Verses 20 and 21: Lord describes another class of believer devotees. Swami Aparajitananda clarifies their purpose, goal and means, refuge and altar of worship beautifully and explains how such kāma-kāmāhā get gata-āgata. They strive to get punya from yajñas to go to Svarga-loka, enjoy and exhausting punya, come back to mortal worlds. Lord says that people who disregard him and choose world can never be happy.

Verse 22: Lord describes His favourite class of devotees who wholeheartedly seek Him alone. Swamiji elaborates most beautifully on Lord's supreme "Yoga-Kshema" promise and explains "vahāmyaham" in detail. The examples and stories of a Mahābhārata commentator, journey of life (dream), legs and wings as gifts of God, Swami Vivekananda in ship to Chicago are astonishing.

Swamiji praises Tapovan Maharāj as example of people living the Knowledge, experiencing God and getting fearlessness of death.

Verses 23 and 24: One more class of faithful devotees of "anya-devatā" is described. Lord says: they worship Him only, but in wrong way. They never come to know Him. Therefore, they fall and get bondage of world.

Swamiji beautifully defines "devatā" and gives interpretations at different levels:
1. Anya devatā is other than Krishna - a wrong interpretation.
2. Secondary meaning of anya devatā (as sense organs) and their bhakti is indulgence.
3. Another secondary meaning: influential people.
4. Primary meaning: Many little, inferior devatās giving quick results for increasing their own strength which may harm also.

Swamiji derives the message: One should go directly to well-wisher and best-giver (four ways of giving) Lord only. As a result, ego is destroyed and faith increases.

Verse 25: Law of Universe is given by Lord. Swamiji simplifies wonderfully: What we seek in life, we will get. Eg. pitru-loka, preta-loka, etc. We can choose our world by choosing thoughts. We should choose Lord only. Swamiji also explains importance of last thought before death and momentum of thoughts entertained during life.

(Bhagavad Gītā - Chp 9 - Talk 6 of 7 - Verses 20 to 25)


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