
Описание к видео Practice

A bit of Waffle.
Some asked about exercises and practice.
On the whole, I am not a fan of exercises for exercises sake. I think they have a place, but the end result should be playing. An analogy, being if you just practice burpees and keepyuppies, you aren't really getting into the essence of playing football.
I prefer to practice things and put them into a context. All that said I then recorded me doing my way of practicing and have put markers where I change my "exercise". Very little of what I do in this is thought out, other than the concept. It is a constant work in progress to be able to explore a concept on the fly and not mess it up. This is one of the ways I practice my improvisation stuff.
As you will see , You can cover a lot in 6 minutes. Far from perfect... but the idea is to demonstrate an approach I use in my daily practicing. For those that don't care.... Here is some widdly nonsense...
#guitar #guitarist #fractalaudio #suhr


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