Online Security Guard Hiring System

Описание к видео Online Security Guard Hiring System

Online Security Guards Hiring System

Online Security Guards Hiring PHP script is developed using PHP with MySQLi extension. It’s a web-based application used to hire and manage security guards. The Online Security Guards Hiring project has two main modules: admin and user. Users can fill out the hiring form to fire the guards in the hiring form section. Users can check the status of guard requests in the request status section. The admin can update the profile details and change their password in the admin setting. In the dashboard section, the admin briefly views the listed security guards, Total hiring requests, New requests, Accepted requests, and Rejected requests. In the security guards section, Admin can Add security guards, edit the added guard info, and delete the guard record. Hiring booking requests section, the admin can view all new, rejected, and accepted requests and take the appropriate action. Hiring report section, the admin can view the hiring request in a particular period. The admin can search the request by booking no, name, and mobile number in the search request section. Admin can also recover their password.

Online Security Guards Hiring Script has the following key features:

Admin, User login
Manage Security Gaurd
Admin Settings
Hiring Booking Request
New Booking
Approved Booking
Rejected Booking

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