SmartSweets New 3.0 Formula - Is SmartSweets STILL Keto Friendly?

Описание к видео SmartSweets New 3.0 Formula - Is SmartSweets STILL Keto Friendly?

Did you know that SmartSweets just announced their 3.0 formula? Smart Sweets was previously our favorite low carb keto candy - does formula 3.0 still make it one of the best keto sweets there is?

Before you buy SmartSweets for your ketogenic diet, watch our video. We talk about how many actual NET CARBS are in Smart Sweets, what changed with the new formula and how the nutrition label is a bit misleading.

We're always looking for the best keto desserts, especially something to satisfy that keto sweet tooth.

What else we recommend:

Also, check out the best Keto Snacks available on Amazon:


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