Samsung Tab S7 S-Pen Replacement

Описание к видео Samsung Tab S7 S-Pen Replacement

Hello Youtubers! It's my first video so the quality is quite rubbish 😅

I recently got the new Samsung Tab S7 and the S Pen nib died on me on the second day (surprise, surprise) so I'm waiting for the replacement warranty nibs/Pen from Samsung at the moment.

My partner got me a spare as an early xmas present so here are the contents in case you're wondering. TBH, I don't understand what's the difference with the spare nibs, apart from the colour. Let me know in the comment section if you have it as well and know the difference!

Also, the casing. GUYS, it's really good, both quality and value for price:

#SamsungTabS7 #SamsungTabSpen #SPen


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