Dog training How to teach commands Sit, Down and Stand

Описание к видео Dog training How to teach commands Sit, Down and Stand

Commands ‘sit’, ‘down’ and ‘stand’ are checked in complex in general training course. An owner gives commands at the distance; the dog has to stay at one place without coming up to the owner. The dog in the video already knows the commands. In order for the dog not to move ahead mastering the ‘sit-down-stand’ combination, it has to know how to carry out the commands. The pet should get used to work without moving ahead. Proper technique is laid while teaching the dog these three commands.

In addition to the technique, it is important to train the dog in conditions where it cannot move ahead. You should work in different conditions. In all cases the dog has to enrich its experience, without moving ahead.

В фильме показан этап тренировки собаки, когда она уже знает эти команды. Для того чтобы собака не продвигалась на комплексе команд "сидеть-лежать-стоять", собака должна владеть правильной техникой выполнения этих команд. Русская версия:    • Как дрессировать собак,  команды сиде...
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