V-150: Sisal Fiber Scraper (Raspador de Sisal Fibra; Raspador de Sisal Fibra)

Описание к видео V-150: Sisal Fiber Scraper (Raspador de Sisal Fibra; Raspador de Sisal Fibra)

Inquiry: Audrey Trading Co., Ltd.
[email protected]
Tel: (+886) 7- 333-69-36

Revolutionary Beater System!
1. "Real" Full-automatic: Without "Temporary" stop during each shift
2. Huge Capacity
3. High Extraction and Least Residuals
4. Least Impurity and Jelly
5. Consecutive Operation: Workable, if with Sufficient Labor Force

¡ Revolucionaria Sistema de Batidor!
1. "Real" Completamente Automático: sin Parada "Temporal" durante cada turno
2. Enorme Capacidad
3. Alta Extracción y Mínimos Residuos
4. Mínima Impureza y Jalea
5. Operación Consecutiva: Viable, si con Suficiente Mano de Obra

¡Revolucionaria Sistema de Batidor!
1. "Real" Completamente Automático: sin Parada "Temporal" durante cada turno
2. Enorme Capacidad
3. Alta Extracción y Mínimos Residuos
4. Mínima Impureza y Jalea
5. Operação Consecutiva: Praticável, se com Força de Trabalho

Full-Automatic / Automático Completo / Automático Total
(Not cheating by semi-automatic / No trampa por semiautomático /
Não batota por semi-automático)

No water is workable / No agua es viable / A água não é viável

Fraud Party in Manila of Philippine:
M/ Fraud Party in Manila of Philippine:
M/S.Tru Link Energy Corporation and Mrs. Amy B. Capillanes of M/S. ARM-G International Logistics Inc. ( mobile : 0917-825-8547 ) in Philippine
They worked together to provide the fake packing list with much less weight than the indications enlist to collect the over amounts from the beneficiary after found who rejected to refund the over amounts

Useless the carrier M/S. ARM-G international Logistics Inc.to Philippine to avoid cheated again!


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