Mt. Carmel single trail on 2 wheels

Описание к видео Mt. Carmel single trail on 2 wheels

Finaly a decent offroad ride! 4 of the sharp riders met up at the usual starting point in Ein Iron and we headed north to scout Mt. Carmel riding through new routes I was not aware of. A short buzz through Horshan and it was up to testing our nerves one this crazy down and uphill near Ofer and than trhough Mearot stream. Dry but rucky and needs a lot of concentration. From there on a short ride on the road and offroad again near Ein hod and climbing up Mt. Carmel on a single trail with twists and turns and a set of 180 turns where you have to stop and start from o kmh with loose soil!
After this great climb it was a scary downhill, and goodbye to Yuval who had to speed back home. It was meant to be a walk in the park for us, backtracking our route but Avi hit a small solid crease and flipped over finding himself trapped under his bike!!! Althoug I was able to lift his bike and he freed himself he was in a loto of pain and was unsure what happened and if he broke something. A spot in the olive tree shade for an hour and lucky he was able to ride back home by himself and went for a doctor checkup. No broken bones, just an over strained muscle, so a week or 2 or rest and he will be back on the hourse
#thesharpriders #adventureriding #crf300 #ktm390 #dr650


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