Pancha Matanga (Class / Lesson) - Malahari - Rupakam - Dikshitar

Описание к видео Pancha Matanga (Class / Lesson) - Malahari - Rupakam - Dikshitar

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Pancha Matanga

Ragam: Malahari (15th mela janyam)

ARO: S R M P D S ||
AVA: S D P M G R S ||

Talam: Rupakam

Composer: Dikshitar

Version: M.N. Subramanyam


Pancha Matanga Mukha Ganapathinaa

Paripaalithoham Sumukhena Sri


Pancha Bhootaatmaka Prapanchoodayadi Karana

Virinchi Hari Rudra Nutena Pancha Vaktra Shiva Sutena


Varadaabhaya Paashasruni Kapaala Danta Modaka

Mudkaraaksha Maala Karena Kamalaapura Vihaarena

Puruhutaadyakhiladeva Poojitha Vigneshwarena

Varaguruguha Sodarena Suruchira Lambodharena

Karunaanga Kauratharena Kali Malaharana Tarena

Meaning: (From T.K. Govinda Rao’s book)

I am protected (“paripaalithoham”) by Sri Ganapathi, with Five (“pancha”) handsome elephant-faces (“maatanga mukha”).

Who is the cause (“karana”) of the universe (“prapancha”) co-existing of the five elements (“bhootatmaka”). Who is revered (“nutena”) by Brahma (“Virinchi”), Vishnu (“Hari”) and Siva (“Rudra”). Who is the son (“sutena”) of Parama Siva of five (“pancha”) faces (“vaktra”).

Whose hands (“karena”) hold the symbol of ABHAYA and VARADA: the rope (“Paasha”), a goad (“Sruni”) a pothead (“kapaala”), tusk (“danta”) a Modaka sweet dish, MUDGARA and Rudraksha Maala. Who is established (“vihaarena”) in Kamalaapura -- Tiruvaarur. He is worshipped (“poojitha”) by all the celestials (“deva”) beginning with Indra (“puruhuta”). He is the remover of obstacles (“vigneshwara”) and the brother (“sodharena”) of Guruguha, the distinguished one. He is handsome (“suruchira”) with pot-belly (“Lambodhara”). Who is renowned (“kauratharena”) for his compassion (“karunaana”) and who removes (“harana”) the sins (“mala”) of Kali.


Pancha Matanga Mukha Ganapathinaa

Paripaalithoham Sumukhena Sri

[I am protected (“paripaalithoham”) by Sri Ganapathi, with Five (“pancha”) handsome elephant-faces (“maatanga mukha”).]

P ; D M ; P || D P M G R S || S D S ; ; rm ||

Pan cha Ma - tan - ga Mukha Gana pathi naa - Pari

P ; ; M mg R || S - s d , S , s r M ||

Paa - li tho-- ham Sumu khe na- Sri

P dp m-pd s ; P || D P M G R S || S D S ; ; rm ||

Pancha - Ma - tan - ga Mukha Gana pathi naa - Pari

P ; ; M mg R || S - s d , S , s r M ||

Paa - li tho-- ham Sumu khe na- Sri

P dp m-pd s ; P || D P ppmg R S || dd pm p d s-s r m p d ||

Pancha - Ma - tan - ga Mukha Gana pa thi naa- Pa- - ri - -

p m p d S -pd p-mg r || S - s d , S , s r M ||

Paa - li - tho-- ham Sumu khe na- Sri

P dp pmgr ; rm || pd P dmP P ; ||

Pancha - - - - - Ma - - - - tan ga


Pancha Bhootaatmaka Prapanchoodayadi Karana

Virinchi Hari Rudra Nutena Pancha Vaktra Shiva Sutena

[Who is the cause (“karana”) of the universe (“prapancha”) co-existing of the five elements (“bhootatmaka”). Who is revered (“nutena”) by Brahma (“Virinchi”), Vishnu (“Hari”) and Siva (“Rudra”). Who is the son (“sutena”) of Parama Siva of five (“pancha”) faces (“vaktra”).]

M ; D P ; ; || dd pm ; pd S ; ||

Pan cha Bhoo - - taa - - - tma ka -

M ; rm pm P ; || dd pm ; pd S ; ||

Pan cha Bhoo - - taa - - - tma ka -

pdmp rm pm P ; || dd pm ; pd S ; ||



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