Crossing Thames Estuary from Broadstairs to River Crouch

Описание к видео Crossing Thames Estuary from Broadstairs to River Crouch

Started off sailing without issue, got to Fisherman's Channel, decided to bring in head sail and begin motoring across Black Deep. Got my furler stuck. Had to solve it.
Turned the boat many many times to wind the Gib back in on itself. It was a mess, but no longer flapping uncontrollably in the wind.
I planned to anchor at Barrow Deep and wait for the tidal flow to change direction, but was exhausted from trying to solve the jammed furler that I proceeded onto my next waypoints despite now motoring against the current. It would have been much less hassle just to anchor for a few hours and wait for the current direction to become optimal.
Eventually anchored in River Roach.
Next morning, when wind was calm, I tangled my Gib and it rolled back in without any issue. I still don't know what caused the furler to jam.


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