What is a Keyframe?

Описание к видео What is a Keyframe?

What’s a Keyframe?
Basically, a keyframe is just a time marker with a set of instructions. It's called a “frame” because it’s tied to a specific spot, or frame, on the timeline, and "key" because it’s special — it carries unique instructions that make this frame stand out from the other frames around it. You can use keyframes to do all kinds of things, like adjusting zoom levels, panning left or right, creating fades, changing audio volume, or dozens of other tasks.
When the playhead reaches a keyframe on the timeline, whatever instructions you’ve set will happen. If you only have one keyframe, the change will happen instantly, in a single frame. If you want things to happen more smoothly or slowly, you can use two keyframes — one to start the action and another keyframe further down the timeline to complete the action. The space between the two keyframes controls how fast or slow the change happens. The further apart they are, the more gradual the change will be, since it would take more time for the playhead to move between the two keyframes. It’s that simple. If you would like to learn more about keyframes or another topic, leave a comment below with specifics.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for watching!


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