All information of watercolor brushes you need to know before buying one.

Описание к видео All information of watercolor brushes you need to know before buying one.

#watercolorbrushes #watercolorbrushbuyingguide #watercolorbymayur #allwatercolorbrush
Watercolor brush buying guide for armature and professional painters.
1. Brief history of painting brushes
2. How watercolor brush is different from oil brushes
3. Anatomy of a brush
4. Different hair types used for making watercolor brushes
5. Different shapes of brushes and their uses
6. Different sizes of brush
7. How to take care of your brush
8. When is it time to buy a new brush and retire an old friend?

How brushes evolved through history, how each hair type is different from one another, how shapes of brush helps in painting.
Brush is the most important tool for watercolor painting
Brush strokes are the signature of every artists.
flat brush was only invented once industrial revolution started
Italian painter Di Cennino cennini mentioned about the modern day brush in craftsman's handbook in year 1390
Kolinsky Sable hair
Red Sable hair
Squirrel hair
Goat hair
Ox Hair
Pony Hair
Camel Hair
Synthetic Hair Brushes
Mop Brushes.
Angle or chisel
Sword or dagger
Chinese watercolor brushes


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