SΚRA Emerald Lake & Waterfalls |Macedonia 🇬🇷| Σμαραγδένια Λίμνη & Καταρράκτες Σκρα |

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Memories of Greek historical moments are mixed with the rare beauty of nature and the turquoise waters of an ancient lake.
These are the emotions one feels and the images that one sees as a visitor of Skra, the waterfalls and the famous "emerald lake".
The visitor is stunned by the beauty of the small "Blue Lake" or "Emerald Lake", which owes its aquamarine emerald color of the water to the calcified and fossilized organisms of its bottom. Continuing on the path, the vegetation thickens and the ground is steeper. Here, one can see the second waterfall of Skra that falls with thunder over the rocks creating a stunning natural landscape.


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