GivEnergy All In One Home Battery – Insanely Easy Install!

Описание к видео GivEnergy All In One Home Battery – Insanely Easy Install!

In this video, you'll learn how to set up the GivEnergy All-in-One home battery storage system. This sleek system comes with a high-capacity battery and a GivEnergy gateway. It's perfect for homes without solar panels, allowing users to buy energy at lower off-peak rates and avoid expensive peak-time costs. The GivEnergy gateway smoothly manages energy usage and provides backup power for an entire house. Plus, as we'll show you, installing the battery-only system is quick and doesn't require MCS approval, making it a great opportunity for all electricians.
Learn more about the Give Energy All-in-One home battery.

00:00 Installing a Give Energy All-in-One
00:39 An opportunity for all electricians
01:06 Who's digging
01:30 Giv Gateway energy hub
02:30 Battery Capacity
03:30 Installation location options
04:10 Firmware update
04:50 Installing the gateway
05:35 Cable between GIV - Gateway and All-in-One Battery
06:20 EVUltra - TopTip!
08:06 Set up and commissioning
09:09 Giv Energy training

#homebattery #solarbattery #electricians


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