Kollektiv Moabeat X SPHYNXCAST X RAW Industries | fyschy [Goa / Hypnotic Techno]

Описание к видео Kollektiv Moabeat X SPHYNXCAST X RAW Industries | fyschy [Goa / Hypnotic Techno]

Closing our collaborative event in style, fyschy keeps the crowd alive in the late morning hours with her fine selection of old school Goa and Trance music.

░ From 1998 until today, the legal and illegal goa open airs in and around Berlin have been fyschy’s environment and have shaped her music taste very much. fyschy brings together spherical, mystical techno and old school goa trance. She aims to create a hypnotical trance state for the audience, sometimes using broken beats as well.

░ Follow fyschy, here:
IG:   / fyschy____  
SC:   / fyschy  
RA: https://ra.co/dj/fyschy

█ Stay tuned for the other sets of the night.

░ Kollektiv Moabeat X SPHYNXCAST X RAW Industries

DJ Mondfinsternis b2b Mottomo | 12 - 2
Josef Kunz (hybrid) | 2 - 330
Gabrielle | 330 - 500
Latnam b2b NIKØ | 500 - 700
ChéRebel (live) | 7 - 800
fyschy | 8 - 10


█ Kollektiv Moabeat - that's NIKØ b2b Maurice Werner - was formed to bring you underground raves in Berlin and the surrounding countryside with the various faces of Techno. Follow us for updates about upcoming events.

This time Kollektiv Moabeat has teamed up with local Berlin collectives SPHYNXCAST and Raw Industries to bring you 10 hours of dark, hypnotic and groovy Techno, live and DJ, at one of Berlin's best-kept secret locations.

With a history of four prior successful secret events, Kollektiv Moabeat have made a name for themselves as bringing you multi-facet underground Techno in an intimate setting on a massive sound system that can rival Berlin's established clubs.

With their Techno podcast series, SPHYNXCAST have invited many of Berlin's up and coming talent to their Warschauer Str. studio and successfully established themselves as the sound of the city and one of Berlin's finest source for raw, underground Techno.

Label and collective RAW Industries is based around live hardware and modular Techno performances that encapsulate the raw sound signature of Berlin in their vinyl releases to provide with dark, hypnotic and highly rhythmic grooves.

░ Kollektiv Moabeat
IG:   / kollektivmoabeat  
SC:   / kollektiv-moabeat  
RA: https://ra.co/promoters/112029

IG:   / sphynxcast  
SC:   / sphynxrayrecords  

░ RAW Industries
IG:   / raw.industries.berlin  
SC:   / rawindustriesberlin  

░ Subscribe to Kollektiv Moabeat for our latest sessions
YT: / @kollektivmoabeat6137

░ Check out our RAVE TRAILER sets, recorded at open air raves in Berlin.
SC:   / kollektiv-moabeat  

#techno #rave #technomix #technoberlin #technogermany #technoset #djmix


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