Bar | QR Code Scanner in iOS with swift 5

Описание к видео Bar | QR Code Scanner in iOS with swift 5

In this tutorial, you will learn the complete functionality of the Bar code scanner or QR code scanner. In this tutorial, I have explained this with the help of a basic example. Here I have to use AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer for achieving our goals. And for your kind information, I would like to tell you that. I did not use any third-party library in this. Because I trust the native functionality and I believe that, If I can perform this action then why not you? So watch the complete video. If you like the video so just click on like button for the appreciation and subscribe to me for the upcoming videos.

#codescanner #swift5 #iosDeveloper #Swift #pushpendra #barcode #qrcode

Tutorial Link -

UPDATED FOR QR code - metadataOutput.metadataObjectTypes = [.ean8, .ean13, .pdf417, .qr]


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