35% GST Slab, Higher Tax On High-End Goods

Описание к видео 35% GST Slab, Higher Tax On High-End Goods

Panel Proposes GST Tweaks To 148 Items, 35% GST Slab, Higher Tax On High-End Goods
Big GST Hike on Tobacco & Beverages! Everything You Need to Know
Ministers panel proposes GST tweaks for 148 items, a new 35% tax slab & higher tax on high-end garments, watches, cosmetics & more #gst #tax #taxation #gstrate #taxchange #taxes #gstcouncilmeet #gstcouncilmeeting #gsthike #tobacco #cigarettes #luxurygoods #luxurywatches #luxuryclothes #luxurycosmetics.
35% GST Tax Rate Hike Explained | 35% GST टैक्स: किस पर होगा असर ? | सरकार का बड़ा GST अपडेट!
The Group of Ministers (GoM) has recommended increasing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on aerated beverages, cigarettes, tobacco, and related products to 35% from the current 28%. Additionally, a compensation cess is levied on tobacco products over and above the 28% GST, making them among the most heavily taxed items under the GST regime. Tobacco products are among the items subject to the highest GST cess rates, ranging from 11% to 290%. Watch!
35% TAX new GST | GST Special Rate | एक और नया GST Rate | Finance Minister | Nirmala Sitharaman
#gst #tobacco #aerateddrinks #tax 35 gst
35 gst news
35 gst on tobacco


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