Femoral Artery and its branches - Anatomy tutorial

Описание к видео Femoral Artery and its branches - Anatomy tutorial

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The femoral artery is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the leg. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery.
The femoral artery gives off several branches in the thigh which include;

-The superficial circumflex iliac artery is a small branch that runs up to the region of the anterior superior iliac spine.
-The superficial epigastric artery is a small branch that crosses the inguinal ligament and runs to the region of the umbilicus.
-The superficial external pudendal artery is a small branch that runs medially to supply the skin of the scrotum (or labium majus).
-The deep external pudendal artery runs medially and supplies the skin of the scrotum (or labium majus).
-The profunda femoris artery is a large and important branch that arises from the lateral side of the femoral artery about 1.5 in. (4 cm) below the inguinal ligament. It passes medially behind the femoral vessels and enters the medial fascial compartment of the thigh. It ends by becoming the fourth perforating artery. At its origin, it gives off the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries, and during its course it gives off three perforating arteries.
-The descending genicular artery is a small branch that arises from the femoral artery near its termination within the adductor canal. It assists in supplying the knee joint.
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