My Guide to the Perfect Steak Tacos FEAST

Описание к видео My Guide to the Perfect Steak Tacos FEAST

When good steak is on the grill, something great is happening. Something that encourages folks to slow down a little, maybe have another drink, enjoy the company, celebrate all there is to celebrate. And when the meat gets sliced up, packed into steamy tortillas and drizzled (or slathered) with salsas, you know it’ll be a fun crowd.

Here's the recipe:

Yes, there’s the essentials for making just the tacos in this recipe, but I thought you’d appreciate my sketching out how to do a complete taco feast–for the occasion when the whole shebang is what’s called for. Arroz Rojo and Frijoles Refritos are welcome accompaniments and be sure to include a salsa like: Chipotle Salsa, Roasted Tomatillo Salsa, or Pico de Gallo.


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