A Lonely Prisoner (Corrin's Fate) | Fire Emblem Fates: Heirs of Fate VI

Описание к видео A Lonely Prisoner (Corrin's Fate) | Fire Emblem Fates: Heirs of Fate VI

Before facing off against Shigure, the two Kanas, and other children, Anankos goes to visit his lone prisoner, and taunt him/her on their failures. Yet more is revealed about an inner conflict within…

Fire Emblem Fates - Before Heirs of Fate VI (Lost in the Waves)

I wanted to practice some more writing, so I basically took the line: “Corrin is the only human I suffered to live. That child...is all I have now…” and used it as a writing prompt. I was pretty curious about the implications behind that line, and I’m pretty satisfied with what I came up with. Enjoy!

Story/Video by Teddygal30
  / teddygal30  

Made using PowerPoint and iMovie (Font: Optima)
Characters from Fire Emblem Fates

Portraits/Text Boxes: https://www.spriters-resource.com/3ds...

Music (from Fire Emblem Fates):
Destiny, Help Us:    • Видео  
True Form of Evil:    • Видео  
Vacant Cradle:    • Видео  
Premonition:    • Видео  
Flowing Waters:    • Видео  

At first I wasn’t sure about this story, since I didn’t think I really captured either Corrin or Anankos’s personalities very well… then I remembered, Corrin has probably been locked up in that prison for years, forced to watch her army get destroyed (because in this story she’s from the same world as Heirs of Fate Shigure) and see all the other worlds fall as well, so she’s probably not her usual chipper self to say the least.

As for Anankos, I was trying to show how when he’s around Corrin, pieces of his long-dead soul come back momentarily, and that’s why he’s a little less harsh. But he still hates that feeling of conflict and the idea of his “imposter” self continuing to live on, so he’ll continue to torture Corrin anyway.

Overall it was a fun little project. I have bigger stories planned for the future too - stay tuned!


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