足料好味【牛沙瓜牛雜麵】特色越南牛丸河 超吸引!Super attractive beef offal noodle and special Vietnamese beef balls⋯

Описание к видео 足料好味【牛沙瓜牛雜麵】特色越南牛丸河 超吸引!Super attractive beef offal noodle and special Vietnamese beef balls⋯

牛雜 Beef Offal
牛肚Beef Tripe
牛筋Beef Tendons
心腚Beef Heart
豬皮Pork Skin
豬腸Pork Intestine
豬肺Pork Lung
軟骨Beef Cartilage
豆卜Tofu Puff
蘿蔔 Carrot
腩汁 Beef Brisket Sauce


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