NAMM 2023: Ali Kazak of Güven Bronz Metal Shows Us Their Many Cast And Machined Hoops & Drum Shells

Описание к видео NAMM 2023: Ali Kazak of Güven Bronz Metal Shows Us Their Many Cast And Machined Hoops & Drum Shells

Güven Bronz Metal had an impressive display at this year’s NAMM, they are offering sandcast and machined finished shells and hoops to a customer’s custom specifications. They cast in six materials including Aluminum, Bronze, Brass, Copper, Steel, and Stainless Steel.

Established in 1985 they are specialized in the fields of “Bronze Casting” and “Yellow Casting” in Turkey, aimed to be a company where you can safely take the quality with the strength it gets from its name.

Güven Bronz Metal is proud considers itself one of the best companies in their country, especially in the field of Bronze Casting, in machine gears, bedding, bushing materials, drum shells and hoops, with the capacity to meet the material needs at any time with its casting quality and wide stock opportunity.

Processes they offer include centrifugal casting, permanent casting, sand casting and their own ‘SPECIAL CASTING’ method.

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