Piyaz (White Beans Salad) Recipe | How to Make Piyaz | Haricot Bean Salad

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Piyaz (White Beans Salad) Recipe

*1 cup of white beans (haricot beans)
*Half a bunch of green onions
*9-10 branches of parsley
*1 tomato
*4 tbsp of olive oil
*1 cup of vinegar
*10-15 black olives
*2 eggs
*Half Lemon
*2 teaspoon of salt


-Keep the white beans in water at least for 15-16 hours and boil them.
-Drain the water and transfer the beans in to a big bowl. Pour the vinegar on the beans, let the beans stay in vinegar for one hours, this is enough time for them to get the taste of vinegar. Then drain the beans.
-Boil the eggs
-Chop the parsley and green onion finely, cut the tomato in to cubes.
-Combine these with the beans.
-Add lemon, olive oil and salt, mix everything well.
-Transfer it all to a wide salad plate, cute the eggs in to four pieces, and use them for decoration beside the olives.
-Ready to be served!

Bon Apetit!

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