Nature and Spirituality (S2E2)

Описание к видео Nature and Spirituality (S2E2)

This episode of the ecotherapy podcast is all about nature and spirituality. It’s a massive topic that I have wanted to feature for some time now. It includes voices from the worlds of Druidry, Buddhism, Catholicism and Tarot.

In this episode of the nature therapy podcast, I speak with three people with very different spiritual practices about how their personal practice connects them with nature. I found that beyond the vast differences in the traditions themselves, there were some very beautiful overlapping themes that popped up with all three speakers. I also speak a little about tarot cards in relation to nature connection; something that isn’t spoken about much, and which I have recently become very much in tune with.

One podcast episode is never going to even scratch the surface of such a massive topic. What is spirituality anyway? And how does it relate to the earth we stand upon? This podcast episode offers some glimpses into how different people see both of these things, and more specifically, how they both interact with each other.


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