Fuad Live In Dhaka | Kothay | Fuad feat. Elita

Описание к видео Fuad Live In Dhaka | Kothay | Fuad feat. Elita

Kothay - Elita
Original : RAGA
Original Composer: AshiqueInstrumentalists: Johan Alamgir, Amzad Hossain, Foysal Ahammed Tanim, Kazi Faisal Ahmed, Jalal and Fuad.
Audio post: Mix: Rafa, Master: Fuad

Launching off the second day of EID with the song KOTHAY featuring ELITA. Tune in for a beautiful presentation that will uplift your spirits and groove to the splendid variety of musical sounds! Eid Mubarak!
#fuadliveindhaka #eidexclusive #elita


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