cover for Symphony (A.B.A. theme) | Guilty Gear Strive

Описание к видео cover for Symphony (A.B.A. theme) | Guilty Gear Strive

Advent of covers day 19. Mission 19 done, prepare for !btl

OG track with subtitles by CloudDrop (I used their video for the ukrainian cover, it's only fair to credit) :    • Symphony [With Lyrics] (A.B.A Theme) ...  
instrumental :    • Guilty Gear Strive - Symphony [Karaoke]  

support ukraine :

twitch :   / daverok  
paypal : [email protected]
підтримати/support :
x-com :   / daverok_  

All rights to the song go to it's authors and publishers. I don't own anything apart from my debt to the author.
#cover #singing #guiltygearstrive #abaggst #guiltygear


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