花絮:小荣耀幼儿园开课啦,片场郭涛张月笑料不断【父辈的荣耀 A Long Way Home】

Описание к видео 花絮:小荣耀幼儿园开课啦,片场郭涛张月笑料不断【父辈的荣耀 A Long Way Home】

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【Synopsis】The years from 1998 to 2015 marked a transformative era in China's forestry landscape. During this time, Gu Changshan adopted Xingjie, the son of his deceased partner. After much hesitation, the Gu family decided to send Xingjie abroad for further education. As the wave of layoffs struck, some young people chose to leave, while those who stayed, led by Gu Changshan, charted a new course of "family ecological forestry" to temporarily address the livelihood crisis. In 2007, as a new turning point approached, the project of relocating migrants from remote mountainous areas began, aiming to protect the environment and improve their quality of life. The 923 Work Team faced the challenge of venturing out again. Xingjie was also brought back to the mountains. After resolving the family crisis, he took on the task of mobilizing the migrants. In doing so, he found his own value and made the decision to stay, shouldering the mission of forestry reform. Against the backdrop of a comprehensive logging restriction in 2014 and 2015, Xingjie responded to the call of "clear waters and green mountains are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver". He, along with his family and more people from the forested areas, embarked on a journey toward a better life.
【Starring】Zhang Wanyi, Guo Tao, Liu Lin, Zhang Yue, Li Haofei, Zhou Fang, Zhang Kaitai, Li Le, Liu Pei
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#父辈的荣耀 #ALongWayHome #腾讯视频


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