I Stole Hoplite's Strongest Weapon

Описание к видео I Stole Hoplite's Strongest Weapon

I Stole Hoplite's Strongest Weapon

This is Hoplite, a server home to perilous traps, insane custom weapons with overpowered abilities, and some of Minecraft's best fighters, all hoping to take down their opponents in battle and emerge victorious. And I wanted to give it a go... only a year too late.

This video was recorded a few months ago, but I was unable to upload it due to unforeseen issues. I wasn't planning on uploading it, but I need to get a video out lol. Hoping the next one will be better :)

Thumbnail Inspiration by ‪@loppezz‬ (for ‪@PrinceZam‬)
Trap Clip by ‪@DoomedCow‬    • The New Direction of Minecraft Trapping  

Music (in order):
Laura Platt - Anticipation
Claude Signet - Pick Your Numbers
Isaac Larson - Man With No Plan
Alec Slayne - Horvath (part 2)
Wendy Marcini - The Plan
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen - Run!
Alec Slayne - Horvath (part 1)
Eden Avery - Melting Glass
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen - The Great Escape
Hampus Naeselius - Speed Fight Ozo
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen - Covert Affairs


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