3 Simple Tricks to Eliminate Your Vocal Break

Описание к видео 3 Simple Tricks to Eliminate Your Vocal Break

Find Your Range in 6 Seconds (Free App): http://rangefinder.ramseyvoice.com/

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The vocal cords are folds made up of mucus and other tissues that vibrate together to make sound. They do this by coming together and vibrating against the air from your lungs.

Now typically the voice cracks or breaks when singing from lower notes to higher notes. The place where they change is called the bridge, passagio or just vocal break.

So why does the voice crack in your passage?

The voice breaks come from a rapid change in the thickness or closure of the vocal cords--usually from thick to thin and from thin to thick.

That’s why you usually have a voice break both up and down a scale.

Today, I’ll show you 3 very weird and helpful tricks that will keep the cords closing evenly from bottom to top.

“Bratty” or a pharyngeal sound
Pro: Raises the larynx which thins the cords while still helping them close which helps you hit higher notes
Con: Sometimes raises the larynx which makes the crack worse

Pro: Helps relax the voice which gives the cords the support they need to close more and gives the notes at the top of your voice some thickness
Con: But it sounds pretty funny and don’t want to do it forever

Adjust the vowel
Pro: Often a simple adjustment of the vowel will help the cords close evenly due to acoustic factors which allow the resonance to shift correctly
If your voice is breaking on a more open vowel, try a vowel that’s just slightly more closed. If it’s breaking on a close vowel, try to open it slightly
Con: Can sound really obvious or forced. Go easy

Check this out: https://ramseyvoice.com/fix-vocal-break/
Find Your Range in 6 Seconds (Free App): http://rangefinder.ramseyvoice.com/
Master Your Voice Singing Course: https://ramseyvoice.com/special-offer


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