The Music of Al Jolson - Richard Hills

Описание к видео The Music of Al Jolson - Richard Hills

Playing a selection of music made famous by Al Jolson at the 3/13 Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ of the largest theatre in the UK. For more info on the organ, see text below.
This Wurlitzer organ was the last to be shipped to the UK by the Wurlitzer company.
It was designed by Horace Finch, and installed in the Opera House, Blackpool, in July 1939.

It is in two chambers under the stage and speaks out via the orchestra pit. Wurlitzer claimed it to be the finest Wurlitzer installation in the UK, and it remains pretty much unchanged today, with the exception of the Gamba and the Tuba Mirabillis (both were moved to the tower ballroom Wurlitzer organ. The opera house was provided with a new Gamba, and a new Tuba Mirabillis, both replicas of the original). The piano and master xylophone also were moved to the Tower ballroom Wurlitzer. However, since the organ has been in the care of the TCCOC, a master xylophone has been put back on the organ, and a piano has been sourced thanks to the COS.

Over the years, many organists have played concerts and/or made recordings on this Wurlitzer, including Horace Finch, Reginald Dixon, Watson Holmes, Sidney Torch, Robert Wolfe, Phil Kelsall, Lyn Larsen and Dennis James to name just a few.

The ranks are:-
Tibia Clausa
Tibia Plena (the only remaining example in the UK)
Gamba Celeste
Brass Saxophone
Tuba Horn
Tuba Mirabillis
English Horn
Vox Humana
Orchestral Oboe

The video was made using a ZOOM Q3HD for video. The sound was recorded from the circle, using an H4N microphone.


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