The Truth about "Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome" | "Narcisstic Victim Syndrome"

Описание к видео The Truth about "Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome" | "Narcisstic Victim Syndrome"

This video answers the question: Can I talk about this trend we see in blogs and YouTube about “narcissistic abuse syndrome.” Narcissistic abuse syndrome has a few other names like “narcissistic victim syndrome” or “narcissistic abuse victim syndrome.”

Narcissistic abuse syndrome is this is not actually a disorder. There's no classification in the DSM that lines up with this idea. What we have here is really a poor understanding of narcissism and of classification with the DSM. The sources that promote this idea are often blaming science by suggesting that individuals who are narcissistic learn to be narcissistic by reading scientific literature and this leads to this abuse syndrome. They suggest that the only way of knowing something is if you experience to yourself, so if somebody has lived with a narcissist or interacted with the narcissist, they are the only people that can understand narcissism. We also see attempts at generating a treatment protocol for this disorder that of course isn't a disorder and one of the treatments is to learn a lot about narcissists.
Another trend I see with this narcissistic abuse syndrome situation is that people say that if clinicians won't diagnose this “syndrome,” then someone should go to life coach. We see here individuals who potentially have mental health symptoms being redirected from qualified clinicians over to life coaches and promoting an unregulated business.
Life coaches aren't equipped to treat mental health symptoms, but that's what this whole narcissistic abuse syndrome promotion is doing another.
There are so many problems with this “syndrome.” It just seems so illogical and it is harmful to the individuals that counselors would treat. This trend needs to be dismissed we need to move past sensationalism, drama, and whatever's going on with the money and the life coaching and move back to science. Let's use the methods that we've used before that we know work to come up with answers that can help people. We don’t need a new industry around narcissism.


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