The Icon of Birthday Clowns VS Pantheon: Oryx Exalted

Описание к видео The Icon of Birthday Clowns VS Pantheon: Oryx Exalted

Disclaimer: This video is for comedic purpose, we neither really think nor support what we say and I do in (while, all of us) and for this (editing, only me).
Funny moment, fails and bloopers from our run of the Pantheon: Oryx Exalted Raid Gauntlet from Into the Light, with the boys from the clan TIOS.
Star Wars Episode 1, "Always two there are":    • Always two there are, no more, no less.  
Flashbang Sound Effect:    • Flashbang Sound Effect  
Flushing a toilet:    • Flushing A Toilet  
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Slow clap meme:    • Slow Clap - Meme  
That's a nice agrument Senator:    • That's a nice argument senator  


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